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When venues reopen let's ensure they are safer places for women

Covid-19 is an ongoing pandemic, as is violence against women and girls. We have a unique opportunity to address this through taking time to upskill ourselves in responding with care to disclosures of sexual violence, and better planning and policies in our pubs, clubs and venues when they do reopen. Let’s use this difficult time to explore, learn and plan for the future.

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Looking back over 2019

This year White Ribbon UK has brought together more people than ever to work towards ending male violence against women.  Very sadly, some of the most significant moments of 2019 have been led by the family and friends of women who have lost their lives because of male violence. We take very seriously our duty to build a legacy for every woman whom we have come to know by name, and for all women affected by male violence, by continuing and developing our work to change the male cultures that lead to such abuse.  Our male volunteer ambassadors, who are prepared to take a stand, our women champions, and the many accredited and supporting organisations are all critical to us achieving this aim.

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Accredited Torbay Council and local school team up to mark White Ribbon Day

Torbay Council are a White Ribbon Accredited local authority. They have developed an information and guidance service for those suffering abuse called “Are You OK?”. As part of the work they have done around White Ribbon Day and the 16 Days of Action, they worked with local school St Cuthbert Mayne, to raise awareness in a brilliant and unique way.

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16 Days of Action

November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day.

On this day, we ask men everywhere to recognise the necessity for them to stand up and take responsibility in working towards a future without violence against women. The first step towards this is wearing a white ribbon and making the promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

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What are you doing for White Ribbon Day?


Every year around November 25th thousands of people in the UK bring come together to raise awareness and work towards ending male violence against women.

This year the theme of White Ribbon Day is “Creating a future without male violence against women” and we are focusing on engaging with young men and boys in particular.

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We need to stop honouring men who abuse women

The retired cricketer Geoffrey Boycott, who was given a knighthood on 10th September is not the first, and won’t be the last, convicted abuser to be lauded in public. The way in which society seems to be able to dismiss a man’s violence against a woman when set against some achievement, often sporting, is deeply concerning. In the case of Boycott, he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend in 1998, given a 3 month suspended sentence and fined £5,300. He lost an appeal.

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