What you can do for White Ribbon Day 2017

Violence against women and girls is a big problem. White Ribbon UK asks men to step up and become part of the solution. For 16 days starting November 25th, thousands of people across the UK will wear a white ribbon, and take a stand against violence.

There are many things you can do to help us create the biggest impact and spread awareness during your 16 days of action:

Digital Event Kit

Hosting a White Ribbon event? Download our White Ribbon Day digital event kit to make sure you've got all the campaign knowledge, assets and documentation to make it a roaring success.  Available alongside many other awareness-raising materials (including physical campaigning kits) on our shop.

Included in the kit:

  • Fully customisable posters

  • House style fonts

  • Logos

  • Branding elements (in PDF, PSD and JPEG formats)

  • Pledge forms

  • Social media guidelines

  • Key campaign messages/aims

  • Statistics on violence against women and girls

This year, for the 16 days of action that follow White Ribbon Day we will be posting "16 Tweets Of Action", so be sure to follow us on twitter and retweet each day.

Take the Pledge

If you haven't done so already, take the pledge never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.

If you want to take your action further still, we encourage men to become Ambassadors for White Ribbon UK; we also have a new Champions programme for the high number of women that support the campaign.

Public sector services, school, university, music venue and sports clubs, can apply for accreditation on the campaigns section of our website too.

One last thing...

Be sure to have your white ribbon handy for the big day, and the 16 days of action that follow.  If you don't have a white ribbon you can purchase many different types on our shop.

If you have any questions or campaigning ideas, please don't hesitate to contact us.


After White Ribbon Day...


White Ribbon UK at 2017 Labour Party Conference