After White Ribbon Day...

A massive congratulations and thank you is in order for our most successful White Ribbon Day yet. Over the 16 days of action, hundreds of events of all different kinds were put on across the United Kingdom.  Thousands of white ribbons were worn by you to bring our message of anti-violence against women and girls to as many people as possible.  We are so grateful to all of you.

White Ribbon Day is over for another year. But that is not where the story ends. Violence against women still happens, and to make a real difference we need to take the energy and enthusiasm we all put into the 16 Days Of Action, and put it into the rest of the year.


We have events throughout the year, training courses, resources, and awareness raising materials available to keep the momentum going.  Let's make this next year 365 days of action.


At this time of year, due to a number of reasons, violence against women increases. It is essential that we as men continue to be active bystanders in our homes and in our communities.

  • Speak out in the presence of abuse or abusive language. 

  • Be understanding, and take into account the pressures of this time of year.

  • Keep engaging other men in dialogue about what is OK and what isn't.

  • Bring the message to schools before the end of term with events and discussions.

  • Visit our shop for White Ribbon UK Christmas cards, which contain the pledge on the back.


Next year's White Ribbon Conference will be held at Bradford College on 2nd February (10:30am to 4:00pm).

Featuring talks, training and workshop sessions, attendees will be encouraged to engage in discussion, and network with one another.

The theme this year will be:

ASK. LISTEN. ACT. Practical ways men can oppose domestic abuse, and violence against women.

Refreshments will be provided

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to or call the office on 01422 886545.


Change comes from perseverance. We are so grateful to all of you that have done something, however big or small, for 2017's 16 Days Of Action. But while there is still violence against women and girls, we must stay active.

  • Host events, workshops, discussion forums, etc. in your community. Bring the message to schools and youth clubs - instil positive masculinity in the next generation of men and boys.

  • Be active bystanders. Don't let abuse or talk of abuse go unchecked.  However harmless it might seem.

  • Encourage your place of work to apply for White Ribbon UK Accreditation to spread the message even further.

For further information on how you can help, resources, training, literature and awareness raising materials, contact us on 01422 886545 or


White Ribbon Conference 2018


What you can do for White Ribbon Day 2017