White Ribbon UK

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Exclusive Workie Ticket Theatre Company webinar for White Ribbon Ambassadors

White Ribbon UK is proud to have the support of Workie Ticket Theatre Company for White Ribbon Day 2022.

Workie Ticket Theatre CIC is North Tyneside based and female-led; producing work across the North-East which reflects current social issues. Workie Ticket Theatre amplify unheard voices by creating theatre with disadvantaged groups and use drama as a tool to engage whilst exploring issues such as domestic abuse and sexual violence. A commitment to creating real positive social impact through theatre is at the very heart of what they do.

Workie Ticket Theatre will be hosting an exclusive webinar for White Ribbon Ambassadors to explore how #AllMenCan actively commit to be part of the conversation to prevent violence against women and girls through a drama workshop.

White Ribbon Chief Executive, Anthea Sully shared, “We are really pleased to offer this exclusive event to our White Ribbon Ambassadors. Workie Ticket Theatre will be using drama and conversation to create an exciting space where Ambassadors can develop their skills and understanding. This will mean that Ambassadors can effectively share the positive and hopeful message that men's violence against women can be prevented, into their workplaces and communities.”

Workie Ticket Theatre Company’s Artistic Director, JoJo Kirtley explained, “Workie Ticket are honoured to be working alongside White Ribbon UK to deliver this unique webinar to their Ambassadors. Our aim is to have honest discussions about men’s violence against women and encourage men to take action by using drama as a tool to engage. White Ribbon Ambassadors will take part in several discussion-based activities after listening to a reading of the play, 'Walk the Line' by professional actor, Ashlea Sanderson. This is a brilliant way to encourage men to stand by us as our allies and make a genuine difference in their communities or workplaces.”

The alliance between White Ribbon and Workie Ticket Theatre Company highlights that there are many ways organisations and individuals across England and Wales can engage in conversations around the prevention of violence and the impact of violence. The partnership demonstrates the importance of centring women’s experiences and the impact of violence when thinking about prevention.

The exclusive webinar will be hosted during the week of White Ribbon Day to raise awareness and equip White Ribbon Ambassadors ahead of the big day on November 25th.