White Ribbon UK

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February APPG update

Ending violence against women and girls in the rail industry

White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence against women and girls and whose mission is to prevent violence against women and girls by addressing the root causes.

This APPG will consider how harmful and dominant masculine norms can be addressed in relation to public transport.  

Chaired by Gavin Newlands, MP, the group will focus on the impact of men’s harmful behaviour on public transport towards women, the opportunities that exist for the rail industry and commitments they made on White Ribbon Day 2022, and responsibilities of Government to achieve culture change.

A 2022 ONS survey found that 58% of women aged 16 to 34 years reported feeling very or fairly unsafe using public transport alone after dark. It also recorded that people who had experienced harassment in the previous 12 months were more likely to feel unsafe when walking alone and using public transport.

White Ribbon Day 2022 focused on transforming male-dominated spaces with the #TheGoal campaign, and saw the rail and sport industries and partners make joint commitments to prioritising women’s safety.

Building on the conversations which took place around White Ribbon Day last year, the intent for this meeting is to define clear actions that members of Government and the transportation industry can take to create places of work and public spaces where women and girls are safe and supported.

The APPG will hear from speakers from the rail industry, women’s sport activist group, and transport police to describe and to show how such integrated work can create wide-spread cultural change to foster a society that prioritises women and girl’s safety.

You can encourage your MP to attend the White Ribbon APPG by downloading the template below.

To find out who your MP is, simply enter your postcode into the search bar of this webpage: https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP You should send your letter to the MP’s constituency email address.