White Ribbon Day 2022 #TheGoal

Announcing White Ribbon Day, 25 November 2022, #TheGoal

White Ribbon Day , 25 November, falls on the same week as the start of the FIFA men’s World Cup. There has never a better time for us to focus on the good that can come from unifying and supporting one common cause. All men can join the team to end violence against women and girls - that's #TheGoal.

#TheGoal brings men and boys together to think about how they can make a positive difference to achieve equality and safety for women and girls. #TheGoal unites people to start playing as a team to end violence against women and girls.

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK shared, “This year we are addressing how informal rules about ‘how to be a man’ and ‘how to be a woman’ can restrict the way men, women, girls, and boys are expected to live. These behaviours can be harmful and create environments that normalise violence against women and girls.

#TheGoal highlights 11 traits that men and boys can nurture, each representing a player in a football team. It calls on the need to shift expectations that violent and abusive behaviour and attitudes are normal and cannot be changed. All men and boys can commit to equality and safety for women and girls to live the lives they want to lead without fear of violence. This is always #TheGoal.

Organisations and individuals across England and Wales are supporting the campaign, including football clubs at all levels, emphasising unity and desire to change harmful cultures and end violence against women.

#TheGoal calls on people to make the White Ribbon Promise, never to use, excuse or remain silent about violence against women and girls. The Promise can be made on White Ribbon UK’s website: www.whiteribbon.org.uk/whiteribbonday22

There is a suite of resources available to download for free to use in workplaces, schools, football grounds and bars, pubs and clubs: www.whiteribbon.org.uk/whiteribbonday22-digital-resources

There are many more exciting announcements to come in the months leading up to White Ribbon Day, 25th November. To support the campaign, download the resources on the website and you can make the White Ribbon Promise here.


“We deserve better!” - that’s #TheGoal


We need gender equality in sport if we are going to end violence against women