Snapshot report of violence against women and girls in 2021

White Ribbon UK is a member of the End Violence Against Women Coalition, who have just released a new VAWG snapshot report into the state of violence against women and girls, it’s prevalence, and the policy and political landscape seeking to eradicate it.

Drawing on evidence and research from across the VAWG sector and the government, the report highlights what are the key challenges facing women and girls today and what needs to change.

The Key recommendations are:

  • A single, joined-up Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy

  • A Strategic Investment to End Abuse

  • Far-ranging reform to the Criminal Justice System’s approach to Sexual Violence

  • Effective Protection and Support for migrant women

  • A comprehensive public health approach to tackling Online Abuse

  • Support for schools to implement RSE and “Whole School Approach”

  • A Perpetrators Strategy for all

You can read EVAW's Snapshot Report here.


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