Survivor Family Justice and the Courts

White Ribbon UK backed the The Court Said’s campaign for justice by signing an open letter to the government calling for recourse for victims affected by the Domestic Abuse Crisis in the Family Court published on 21 August 2020.

#thecourtsaid have a petition open for survivor family justice which can be signed here

This crisis has the potential to continue for many months or even years before reform is achieved. Recommendations for reform, detailed in the Family Court Review are yet to be implemented, leaving those fleeing Domestic Abuse at continued risk of harm. Those already subject to unsafe Family Court orders, also remain at risk.

Without urgent action in the interim, thousands of families will be subject to unsafe orders. Many more will have their children unjustly removed for the crimes they endured, but did not commit.

Survivors need to know that there will be a mechanism for recourse accessible to those who have been unjustly treated by the Family Court. It is unacceptable that cases currently in the system have been informed that it is ‘too late’ for them. It is unacceptable that those living with the catastrophic consequences of Family Court injustice have no viable, reliable way of redressing their families’ situation.

Without measures to establish an independent case review, and a mechanism for reversing poor decisions, families are left with no redress. Those who are suffering continued abuse through child arrangements, have no end in sight.

The open letter can be read here

The government stated that they want the abuse to stop.

The government must recognise that they have the power to make it stop for thousands of families, by establishing an independent mechanism for recourse.

Survivor Families deserve better.


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