White Ribbon UK

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Men Ending Violence - A Lockdown Toolkit

The White Ribbon UK Lockdown Toolkit is available here to provide practical suggestions and show where to get help for men who are worried about their behaviour during lockdown, and men who are concerned about the behaviour of their friends and colleagues.

As England entered a new lockdown on 5th November there are serious fears that the increase in violence against women that was seen in the first lockdown will repeat itself. White Ribbon UK asserts that men must take responsibility for their own behaviour. Lockdown is stressful and challenging for everyone but there is never any excuse for abuse and violence.

The majority of men are not violent but all men can help end violence. This toolkit can help you to act as a positive role model and signpost people to where they can get help and support. Please share widely.

If anyone is in immediate danger call 999 and ask for the police.

The freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline number is 0808 2000 247