Behind Closed Doors

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution and The Global Sex Trade published the results of its Inquiry  into Organised Sexual Exploitation in England and Wales on May 21st . 

Speakers included Gavin Shuker MP, Jess Phillips MP,  Will Quince MP, the Chair of the Scottish Parliament’s Commercial sexual exploitation group  and the leader of the Women’s Equality Party. 

The report evidences in detail the harm and the scale of the problem, noting that there are at least 212 active ongoing police operations in the UK into modern slavery involving sexual exploitation. The Report noted that the Government has the ambition of ending modern slavery and human trafficking by 2030.  

Reducing Demand  

The report recommended “The Government should combat the demand that drives sexual exploitation by making paying for sex a criminal offence in all locations“

Research from child and Women Abuse Studies Unit concludes “Legality contributes to normalisation which in turn increases the likelihood of paying for sex” Half of sex buyers said they would definitely probably or possibly change their behaviour if a law was introduced making it a crime to pay for sex.  

Further Recommendations

The report had 4 further recommendations , which are summarised as:

1) To hold Prostitution procurement website companies responsible for facilitating and profiting from sexual exploitation

2) To issue Guidance on preventing sexual exploitation for short term letting sector  

3) For police forces to prioritise a strategic response to organised sexual exploitation  

4) To remove soliciting in the street or public space for the purpose of selling sex




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