International Women's Day

As an organisation that endeavours to ally ourselves with the values of feminism, we see it as our duty as men to stand with women, to support the unequivocal need for equality, to recognise that we still live in a world where women are seen as second class citizens and that this must change if we are to see any progress concerning the values we at White Ribbon UK stand for, and indeed that of feminism as a whole.

There are many events taking place across the world for International Women’s day on Thursday 8th March this year.  We endeavour to attend as many as we possibly can to show our support, and ambassadors are encouraged to do the same.

Care International are holding March4Women this year on Sunday 4th March, and White Ribbon UK ambassadors are encouraged to be a part of it. Our President and Founder, Chris Green OBE was in attendance last year (pictured right). Our Sports Campaign Manager, Ikram Butt said, “Sportsmen are role models. The behaviour of one player in a team can destroy your chance of winning, and the behaviour of men in society can destroy lives. We, as men have a responsibility to discuss issues of equality with others, therefore I am proud to support White Ribbon UK and March4Women, and to work together for Respect and Equality.”

On International Women’s Day itself, our founder and president, Chris Green will be speaking as part of a panel on “Jobs Without Gender” for Global Women In Business from 5pm at Hult Business School, 38 John Street, London, WC1. Reserve your place at

On the same day, a special event is being held at RBS Auditorium, in London. Entitled, “Moving towards gender equality”, the Nanak Naam charity event asks, does gender equality exist in our society today, and can spiritual wisdom challenge our current beliefs and revolutionise stereotypical gender roles?

White Ribbon UK Ambassador James Chesby will be speaking at the event about our involvement with understanding positive masculinity, and engaging men in the values of gender equality, particularly calling out male violence against women and girls.

White Ribbon UK were also hosting an event in Brussels on March 8th, on behalf of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group as part of International Women’s Day, looking at the importance of attitudes and language when countering gender based violence however, unfortunately this has had to be postponed. More details to follow when we have finalised the new date.


Introducing White Ribbon UK's new Chief Executive: Anthea Sully
