White Ribbon UK

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White Ribbon Sunday 2021

Faith-based organisations mark White Ribbon Day 2021

Many churches mark the Sunday before White Ribbon Day, 25th November, as White Ribbon Sunday. In 2021 this falls on Sunday 21 November.

Here are some resources that you may wish to use to mark White Ribbon Sunday or use throughout the year. There are also details of some specific White Ribbon Sunday services.

Throughout the year all faith traditions can use White Ribbon as a means of encouraging people to reflect on what they can do to work towards ending violence against women.

You can find some suggestions below:

The Prayer Diary for the 16 Days produced by the Mothers’ Union is available here.

The Global Day is Mothers' Union's response to the call for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based VIolence, Find out more by clicking on the image.

The World Council of Churches supports a global campaign “Thursdays in Black” to demand a world without rape and violence. There are comprehensive resources and films available here.

World Council of Churches - Thursdays in Black Ambassadors