White Ribbon UK

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WRUK response to Baroness Casey Report 2023

White Ribbon UK response to the Baroness Casey Report into the Metropolitan Police (2023)

There are long stablished systems and beliefs at the Metropolitan Police that perpetuate misogyny, racism and homophobia. It is unacceptable that any workplace operates in this way, putting its staff, service users and the public at risk of harm.

We are thinking of all people, members of the public and those working in the Met who have been affected by such harmful behaviour and attitudes.

As a charity working to end violence against women and girls the information within the report about misogynist behaviour, set against already known serious issues and events, shows that longstanding demands for change have failed.

White Ribbon UK urgently calls for independent action to be taken, and for the recommendations in Baroness Casey’s report published on 21st March to be implemented.

We also call on all men within the Metropolitan Police to do better. Men should be holding themselves and their colleagues accountable. You cannot accept violent and abusive behaviour as normal. It's time for men to raise the standard by refusing to excuse harmful behaviour and calling it out to create the change we need for a more equal and safe society for women and girls.

The Baroness Casey report demands urgent learning, listening and comprehensive reform. This must happen.