White Ribbon UK

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WRUK support call to educate boys

White Ribbon UK's response to Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth, NPCC, to educate boys

We support Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth’s call to educate boys about the dangers of harmful behaviours that many young people are exposed to online. Education settings are vital for preventing and intervening early to stop violence against women and girls.    

All too often it has fallen on women to raise awareness of these issues, while men know that their peers are behaving unacceptably.  

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive, White Ribbon UK, comments:

"As Maggie Blyth’s report says, we must educate boys about the dangers of harmful behaviours online; White Ribbon has for many years called upon the Government to resource this essential work that prevents violence against women and girls.

Following the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, the UK has a legal obligation to act to promote cultural change to create a more equal society where women are free from the fear of violence (Article 12.1) and to encourage members of society to stop violence before it starts (Article 12.4) — if this is not fully implemented another generation of women will be living with violence and the fear of violence.”

It’s crucial that our society understands what men’s violence against women looks like as this is too often associated with instances of extreme violence.

Most women and girls live with the threat of a fear of violence in their daily lives – on their runs, on public transport, and even in their first intimate relationships

White Ribbon UK envisions a gender-equal society in which all women and girls may live without the fear of violence. To achieve this, boys and girls must have the tools to understand and recognise oppression and inequality and make choices that lead to mutual respect and greater inclusivity.  

It is welcome news that by the end of March 2023, The Department of Education will publish non-statutory guidance on how to teach Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) to prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence.

We call for non-statutory guidance on the prevention of gender-based violence to be introduced next.