White Ribbon UK

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Response to Inspectorate of Constabulary watchdog report into violence against women

In response to Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) watchdog report into violence against women, which was commissioned by Home Secretary Priti Patel,and published Friday 17th September 2021, Anthea Sully, CEO at White Ribbon UK says:

“This latest report shows the scale of violence against women and girls – and the ongoing long-term failure to put in place what has been needed to ensure the safety of women.

Using terms such as “epidemic” or “terrorism” highlights the magnitude of the violence that women and girls experience, but to make a difference there must be a sustained, strategic and resourced approach and this has to be seen as a top priority. 

We have to also prioritise prevention, violence against women is often normalised in society. White Ribbon UK calls for there to be serious attention given to engagement with men, through education and raising awareness so that the behaviours and attitudes that lead to violence against women are stopped.”