White Ribbon UK

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Win or lose, there is no excuse for abuse

As the UEFA European Football Championship starts, we ask all men to think about their own behaviour and that of their friends during the tournament.

The link between domestic abuse and major sporting events is well established. In 2014, researchers at Lancaster University found that reported incidents of domestic abuse in Lancashire rose by 38% on days when England lost at the 2002, 2006 and 2010 World Cups.

Incidents were also 11% higher than average on the day.  We are concerned that the increase in abuse that was evident during the pandemic will mean that there is an added increase during the upcoming Euros.

We call on all men throughout the year to be mindful of the White Ribbon Promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about men’s violence against women.  At this time we hope men will be ready to call out sexist and abusive behaviour and think if there are concerns about their own or their friends behaviour.

We encourage readers to view the excellent video made by Leeds City Council with Leeds United FC that shows how football can be a place for positive awareness raising about domestic abuse.