White Ribbon UK

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White Ribbon UK unequivocally stands in solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement against racism, oppression and inequality. As an organisation that campaigns for women’s rights and to end violence against women we know that we need to work harder to address the gendered racism experienced by black and minority ethnic women.  We must make sure we are listening to women’s real lived experience and take our lead from BME ‘by and for’ women’s organisations. 

Our work calls on men to take responsibility for their actions and take a stand against violence against women.  Over the coming days we will be reflecting, interrogating and further educating ourselves, individually and as an organisation to ensure that lasting change happens, we ask all men to do the same.

If you are able, and want to make a difference, please donate to a ‘by and for’ organisation, we have listed some below, who support black and minority ethnic women and are campaigning to end violence. These organisations, and the women they serve have also been disproportionally affected by the COVID-19 crisis.