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Men taking responsibility - an open letter

Prominent voices including politicians, sector leaders, and campaigners, have signed an open letter calling on all men to look to their behaviour during the Coronavirus Pandemic. The letter states that men have a responsibility to think of their interactions with other men and to be positive role models.

If you would like to add your signature please email info@whiteribbon.org.uk

An open letter during the Coronavirus Pandemic:

Men must take responsibility for their behaviour

We are parliamentarians, White Ribbon Ambassadors, representatives of organisations and activists, working to change the behaviours that support, excuse and enable male violence against women. 

We are deeply concerned by the ongoing increase in calls to Domestic Abuse Helplines, and the reported increase in domestic abuse killings since the start of the lockdown period on 23 March.

We are calling on all men to look for ways of reducing the behaviours that can lead to abuse and violence.

This includes looking at how they respond to the pressures created from the stressful situation we all find ourselves in, taking responsibility for their behaviour and seeking help when they feel unable to cope. This is the responsibility of all men; and it is men that can stem this wave of abuse.  Men also have a responsibility to think about their interactions with other men. Where men hear other men or boys being disrespectful to women, our society needs them to challenge it, that is the first step in changing this situation.  This is a stressful and challenging time which means that the statement ‘there is never an excuse for abuse’, is paramount. There has never been a more pressing time for men to act as positive role models. 


Ian Blackford MP SNP Westminster Leader

Rt. Rev. Simon Burton-Jones Bishop of Tonbridge

Cllr Steve Darling Leader of Torbay Council,

Cllr Rae Evans, Cabinet Member for Council Finance and Governance, Telford and Wrekin Council

Cllr Peter Fox OBE, Leader of Monmouthshire County Council

John Finnie MSP

Chris Green OBE Founder and President, White Ribbon UK

Drew Hendry MP

Cllr Denise Jeffery Leader, Wakefield Council

Dame Diana Johnson MP

Arfon Jones North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner

Ben Lake MP

Peter Lassey Chair, White Ribbon UK

Dafydd Llywelyn Police and Crime Commissioner, Dyfed Powys

Cllr Vince Maple Labour & Co-operative Group Leader, Medway Council

Cllr Jim McMahon East Ayrshire Council

Cllr Jim Montgomerie North Ayrshire Council

David Munro Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Gavin Newlands MP Chair, White Ribbon APPG

Andrew Percy MP

Sean Press Chair, White Ribbon Scotland

Tom Riordan CBE Chief Executive, Leeds Council City Council

James Rogers Director of Communities, Leeds City Council

Alan Sherry OBE Former Principal, Glasgow Kelvin College

Anthea Sully Chief Executive, White Ribbon UK

Davy Thompson Director, White Ribbon Scotland

Cllr Alan Waters Leader of Norwich City Council

Joyce Watson MS Mid and West Wales, White Ribbon Campaigner

Cllr Kay Wesley Congleton Town Councillor

Peter Willson FMS and Operations Lead, Restored

Further signatories

Roy Tomlinson Former Local Authority Community safety and DVA lead

Ian Vinall Safeguarding Consultant

Dougie Gentles Student Councillor & Mental Health Volunteer

Marvyn Joseph Health Improvement Practitioner, Telford and Wrekin Council

James Chespy FRSA WRC Ambassador

Peter Williams Kent Community Domestic Abuse Programme (Kent CDAP)

Robert Taylor Gillingham, Kent.