White Ribbon UK

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2 Weeks to Go - White Ribbon Day

The UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is on 25th November. This is the first day of the 16 Days of Action, where our 1000-strong network of volunteers campaign against violence against women, working with communities in putting on events across the country.

White Ribbon UK works predominantly with men, asking them to stand up and take responsibility in ending violence against women, as it is still considered a ‘women’s issue’. By an overwhelming majority, most violence against women is perpetrated by men, and this can only be changed by ending the sexist cultures that give rise to abuse against women.

How can I help?

Firstly, it is important to make a public statement that you oppose violence against women by wearing a white ribbon and pledging never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women:

Only by fully understanding the oppressive balance of power in our society can men affect change. Sign up to become an ambassador, and complete our free e-learning course to gain a better understanding of how male violence against women is propagated by our society, and how to change things (particularly around White Ribbon Day). Once you have completed the training, specialist campaign resources are made available to you:

Organisations can gain White Ribbon Status by filling in an action plan to ensure policies are in place to safeguard women both in their workplace and client-side, including signposting, information, campaign literature and staff training:

Finally, below are some resources and links that are free to use during the campaign period:

White Ribbon Day 2018 - Social Media Toolkit

Share the White Ribbon Day video: “If Love Hurts”

Expect Respect Toolkit by Women’s Aid